Hafa Adai Slot Car Cousins!
I wanted to address something here in hopes that the digital world will catch wind of this. Just to make things clear from the start, I love digital racing, and my intentions here are constructive in hopes of improving the systems.
My first system after a long break was a digital system. I thought it was so cool to be able to race more than 2 cars on a a 2-lane track, and the fact that you could pass, this seemed so much more realistic. As you may know as of now, I have switched to an HO analog system. I thought long and hard about selling my digital system, but I just don't think I can part with it. It's packed up in the boxes in hopes of pulling it out again.
However, after much frustration with the quirks of the digital system: i.e. cars not working; chips burning up; lane changers going out; glitches with the power base; glitches with software, and finally spoiled race nights, I've decided to go analog, and am having a great time with it, but I miss digital racing!
I'ts now been just over one year since I switched, and am still working on my HO system, rebuilding, upgrading etc. I't seems that there are many of us digital fans that are having continued problems. I continue to read many posts on the forums daily of slotters with the same problems. I really hope the digital manufacturers pay attention to these posts. I for one, am not the only one that has converted to analog for the same reasons; I got my idea from these posts.
My observation: Okay, I'll let the cat out of the bag. My digital system is SSD, oh, that's right, I have photos posted, so you know that already!
This is not just with SSD, but it seems to me that the equipment is a bit "toyish" in quality. Slot cars are in no way toys, unless you buy a toy slot car set, but the ones I'm referring to here are the hobbiest kits for adults.
For comparison example: Take a look at the DS lapcounter products, these are definitely built for quality, and professionalism. Take a look at the appearance, and the durability of the units; pick one up, you'll know immediately that they're built for quality, and operate with precision.
The digital power bases: light wight plastic; low quality input plugs; high operational malfunction rate and have the appearance of a toy.
The concept and intention of the digital systems - Great! Love it! and can't wait until the manufacturers create a product for us true digital hobbiests.
I realize digital racing is very new, and has improved quite a bit in the past few years, so I'm hopeful that it will continue to improve, otherwise I would have sold my digital equipment.
I also realize that as of now, the slot car hobby is still very small as compared to other hobbies, and for the manufacturers to upgrade to these specs is very costly, but maybe if they move a foot at a time, in a few years we'll be much farther along - Think about...
Adios My Friends!
aka Guam Slot Racer
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