Monday, 23 February 2015

Running a Pace Car on an HO Track?

Hafa Adai Slot Car Friends!

Yes, it's possible.  Now you lone racers can have a race partner.  I just ran into this by accident about a month ago.  I was experimenting with the different settings and chips on my Stage III controller, when I discovered that: if you put in the 15 ohm to 30 ohm chip, set the coast and speed switches to the max setting, a Mega G or a Wizzard car will run pretty fast all by itself.  I set the settings to the highest speed just before the car de-slots.  I use either Race Coordinator or the Track Mate RM program, and voila! I have a race partner!  I use a Wizzard or Mega G car as the pace car, or any car that sticks like glue to the track,  and race against it with either a Life Like, Tyco or even my AW cars, works great, not to mention that it also sharpens your race skills tremendously!  Give it a try.
