Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Reputable Slot Car Dealers - Updated!

Hafa Adai Slot Car Cousins!

I just wanted to thank everyone for checking out my blog, I've noticed there's been quite a few hits.  Please sign up, so I can send you you valuable updates first hand. Let's all join together so we can help each other.

I've noticed quite a few of you are looking for Reputable Slot Car Dealers, well you've come to the right place.  I've compiled a nice list of proven slot car dealers.  Log on to www.slotcarbeacom, and download my free report.  It contains an entire list of the best in the industry.

Until next time....

Adios My Friend!


Monday, 30 July 2012

Pace Cars for HO! Yes, Very Possible

Hafa Adai My Slot Car Cousins!

I just wanted to share with you my work in progress.  I'm currently in the process of rebuilding my layout,  of course I have an HO set-up, but this will work just the same with 1/32 or any other analog set-up.

Converted all stock equipment to after market parts. This is for a 4-lane AFX layout approximately 46 feet - each lane is identical in length.
Here's what I've added:
After market power supply
Parma Controllers
Trackmate Lapcounting/Timing system
Trackmate Driver Stations
Trackmate Call Buttons for each station
Rich D Voltage Regulator for each driver's station
Voltagemeter for each driver station
Bypass switches for each voltage regulator

Okay, I have a very talented nephew that is an electronic engineer, but actually anyone can do this, but he makes things so much easier.  Rich Dumas (aka Rich D, on the slot forums) has been very helpful in supplying the schematic for his voltage regulator that he designed, which I now have assembled.  Cost was very minimal, less than $10 per voltage regulator.

The plan is to take it one step further from Rich D's design.  My work in progress, and when completed will have a bypass switch between the voltage regulator, and the hand controller. (Oh, voltage regulators will be at each driver station.) That way, I can put the car on the track, and set the voltage to max the car's speed without de-slotting.  The voltage regulators are already assembled, and I will be wiring up the track within the next few weeks.  I will post photos as things progress. So, until next time - Adios!


Simple Racing Rule to Minimize De-Slots & Crashes

Hafa Adai Slot Car Friends!

I'm always looking for better and easier ways to conduct fair races. One of the most frustrating things during a race is also the crashes and de-slotting that goes on.  I know several of you out there may have already used this method, but I'd like to visit it again.

As most of us conduct our races with the most laps gets the highest score.  This is much better than the first one across the finish line wins.  The second method promotes a massive amount of crashes and de-slots.

Assuming you're using the second method, I've added a simple rule that even minimizes this further, and actually produces much better drivers and more competition as time goes on.

Here it is:

When any racer crashes or de-slots, or causes a track call at any time, this racer must place a color coded chip in front of his station representing that driver's lane.  At the end of the heat, or race, all the laps/points of each driver are totaled, and each chip represents minus one lap for that driver.

I was really surprised at the awesome results this produced.  The races went so much smoother, and after several heats, races really got competitive, exciting and a lot more fun.  The skill level of the drivers improved dramatically.

So, if you're having this same problem, give this simple rule a try - you won't be disappointed!

Happy Slotting!
